| {{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:n.png?nolink&40 |}}| {{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:y.png?nolink&40 |}}| | It’s depend of… | It depends on…   | | I’m agree. I’m not agree. Are you agree?   | **I agree.\\ I don’t agree.\\ Do you agree?** | | I’m a responsible of… | I’m responsible for… [I have to do something]\\ …the accounts.\\ …making the coffee.\\
**I’m** a manager.\\ **I’m** the Accounts Manager.   | | It’s difficult to be concentrated. | **It’s difficult to concentrate.**   | | She speaks very well French. | **She speaks very/really good French.\\ She speaks French really well.**   | | We exchange with people in other departments. |**We communicate / We have contact with people in other departments.**\\ **We exchange ideas/information/opinions, etc. (with people).**| | At the traffic lights, turn on the right. |**At the traffic lights, turn right.**| | It’s three past twenty.

It’s seventeen o’clock.

It’s half past seventeen. | **It’s twenty past three.\\ It’s 3.20 (three twenty).**

**It’s five o’clock.**

**It’s half past five.\\ It’s 17.30 (seventeen thirty).** | | I went in/at Paris. | **I went to Paris.**   | | It’s the same than… | **It’s the same as…**   | | I participated to a meeting. | **I went to a meeting.\\ Some people didn’t participate (in the meeting).** [They were at the meeting but they didn’t speak.]   | | Welcome in Toulouse. | **Welcome to Toulouse.**   | | I asked to my boss. | **I asked my boss.** | | We discussed about the problem.

I discussed with my manager. | **We discussed the problem.**\\ **We talked about the problem**.\\
**We had a discussion about the problem.**\\
**I discussed it/the problem/something, etc. with my manager.** | | I go back at home at 6 o’clock. | **I go home at 6 o’clock.**   | | Hold on, I check. I call you back later. | **Hold on, I’ll check. I’ll call you back later.** | | Can you explain me, please?\\ He explained us the problem. | **Can you explain, please?\\ He explained the problem (to us).** | | We have to choice the best supplier. | **We have to choose the best supplier.**   | | I work here since ten years. | **I’ve worked here\\ …for ten years.\\ …since 2008.**   | | I like listening music. | **I like listening to music.**   | | Most of time…\\ Most of companies… | **Most of the time…\\ Most companies…**   | | Do you want that I read this? | **Do you want me to read this?**   | | She's arriving on the ten May.   | **She’s arriving on the tenth of May.** [spoken]\\ **She’s arriving on 10th May.**   | | He’s married with a Spanish woman. | **He’s married to a Spanish woman.**   | | I was boring in the meeting. | **I was bored in the meeting. The meeting was boring.**   | | Everyone were happy. | **Everyone was happy.**   | | I very like chocolate. | **I really like chocolate.**   | | She can to drive. | **She can drive.** | | I don’t know where are the files.. Can you tell me who is the manager?   | **I don’t know where the files are.**\\ **Can you tell me who the manager is?** | | She’s from UK, not US.   | **She’s from the UK, not the US.** | | The office isn’t enough big.   | **The office isn’t big enough.** [after an adjective]\\ **We have enough chairs.** [before a noun] | | I don’t like this colour too.   | **I don’t like this colour either.**\\ **I like this colour too.** | | I worked there during three years.   | **I worked there for three years.** | | We have all what we need.  | **We have all (that) we need.**\\ **We have everything we need.** | | I’m technician.   | **I’m a technician.**\\ **I’m an** accountant.\\ **I’m the** sales director for this region. | | My son has ten years and my daughter has eight years old.   | **My son is ten (years old) and my daughter is eight.** | | I’m born in 1963.\\ The company was born in 2002.  | **I was born in 1963.**\\ **The company was created / founded in 2002.** | | He went to Australia for study English.   | **He went to Australia to study English.** | | I was very proud of me.   | **I was very proud of myself.** | | The year twenty nine -- 2009   | **The year twenty o nine**\\ **The year two thousand and nine** | | Let me introduce you Mr Smith.   | **Let me introduce you to Mr Smith.** | | I've done it yesterday.\\ \\ | **I did it yesterday.** | | I will fly to Paris tomorrow.\\ \\ | **I’m flying to Paris tomorrow.** | | I’ll call you when I will arrive.\\ I’ll give him your message if I will see him.\\ | **I’ll call you when I arrive.**\\ **I’ll give him your message if I see him.** | | I look forward to meet you. | **I look forward to meeting you.** | | He takes care about accounts. | **He takes care of accounts.** | | I’m used to live in a city. | **I used to live in a city.** [in the past]\\ **I’m used to living in a city.** [it’s familiar to me] ** ** | | I’m used to work at home on Wednesdays.\\ \\ | **I usually work at home on Wednesdays.** | | I arrived to work. | **I arrived at work.** | [[en:grammar:home|{{ :file_-_back_3_.png?150 }}]]