======Object pronouns======
Moi, j'aime le cinéma, et vous ?
//Me, I love cinema, and you? (I do love cinema, what about you?)//
Toi, tu détestes la piscine. Mais nous, nous aimons nager.
//You, you hate swimming pools. But we, we love swimming. (You do hate swimming, but we love swimming.)//
Vous voulez déjeuner avec moi ?
//Would like to have lunch with me?//
Elle, elle est toujours en mission. Heureusement ses parents sont là et elle habite chez eux.
//She, she is always on a mission. Fortunately her parents are there and she lives with them. (Indeed, she is always on a mission.
Fortunately her parents are there and she lives with them.)//
C'est un cadeau pour ton frère ? oui, c'est un cadeau pour lui.
//Is it a present for your brother? Yes, it is a present for him//.
//A « tonic pronoun » refers to people.//
//Used to ://
//- emphasize another pronoun// :
* « Moi, je t'adore ! Et toi, tu m'aimes ? »
* //Me, I adore you ! And you, do you love me? (I do love you, what about you do you love me?)//
//- Short answers ://
* « Qui a trouvé la solution ? Moi, madame ! »
* //Who found the solution? Me, madame! (I did !)//
- //Emphasize, or create a contrast ://
* « Lui aimerait faire de la moto. Ses parents, eux, ne veulent pas. »
* //Him, he’d like to ride a bike. His parents, them, don’t want him to. (He’d like to ride a motorbike, but his parents don’t want him to.)//
//Also used with//
- __C’est__ //and// __ce sont__ (It is) :
* Ce n'est pas moi, c'est lui !
* //It isn’t me, it’s him !//
- //With __et__ (and) and __ou__ (or) ://
* Toi __ou__ moi ?
* //you or me?//
* C'est lui __ou__ moi !
* //It’s him or me!//
- //With prepositions ://
* Il travaille __avec__ nous. Aujourd'hui, il est __chez__ lui.
* //He works with us. Today it’s at his place.//
* Tu déjeunes __avec__ moi ?
* //Are you having lunch with me?//
* Voila un café __pour__ toi !
* //Here’s a cup of coffee for you !//
- //With comparatives ://
* Il est __plus grand que__ moi.
* //He is taller than me//
There is a « tonic (object) pronoun » for each personal subject pronoun:
^pronom personnel sujet^pronom tonique^
^je //(I)// ^moi //(me)//^
^tu //(You)// ^toi //(you)//^
^il //(he)// ^lui //(him)//^
^elle //(she)//^elle //(her)//^
^nous //(we)//^nous //(us)//^
^vous //(you)//^vous //(you)//^
^ils //(they-masculine)//^eux //(them-masculine)//^
^elles //(they-feminine)//^elles //(them-feminine)// ^