======Le verbe devoir====== must / have to / need to =====Introduction===== Je dois renouveler mon passeport. //I have to renew my passport// Vous devez apporter l'ancien passeport et des photos à la mairie. Attention : les photos doivent être conformes ! //You must bring the old passport and photos to the town hall. Please note: the photos must conform!// =====Utilisation===== **//« devoir » = an obligation (must / have to / need to)//** * Paul doit finir le compte-rendu de la réunion avant vendredi. * //Paul has to finish writing the minutes of the meeting by Friday.// * Les hôtesses doivent vérifier le passeport des passagers. * //The flight attendants must check the passengers’ passports.// **« devoir » = a probability / deduction (must)** * Paul doit être dans son bureau = il est certainement dans son bureau. * //Paul must be in his office. = He is probably in his office.// =====Conjugation===== ^ devoir ^//Have to / must / need to//^ | Je dois |//I have to / must / need to//| | Tu dois |//You have to / must / need to//| | Il doit |//He/ It has to / must / need to//| | Elle doit |//She/It has to / must / need to//| | Nous devons |//We have to / must / need to//| | Vous devez |//You have to / must / need to//| | Ils doivent |//They have to / must / need to (plural masculine)//| | Elles doivent |//They have to / must / need to (plural feminine)//| =====Remarque===== //The verb after the verb « devoir » is always in the infinitive form.// * Nous devons __**organiser**__ une réunion rapidement. * //We must __organise__ a meeting quickly.// * Tu dois __**faire**__ une présentation demain ? * //You have to __do__ a presentation tomorrow?// [[fr:grammaire:verbes:present:verbes_irreguliers_tres_frequents:sommaire|{{ :file_-_back_3_.png?150 }}]]