====== Le verbe être ====== //the verb « To be »// =====Introduction===== **Qui êtes-vous ?** //Who are you ?// **Je suis Jean Martin !** //I am Jean Martin// =====Uses===== //être (to be) + name :// * **Je suis Jean Martin.** * //I am Jean Martin.// //être (to be) + nationality// * **Je suis canadien.** * //I am Canadian// //être (to be) + origin (from): // * **Je suis de Montréal.** * //I am from Montréal// //être (to be) + present location :// * **Ils sont à Berlin.** * //They are in Berlin// =====Conjugation===== **être** ( //to be//) |**Je suis** |//( I am)//| |**Tu es** |//( You are / familiar 'you')//| |**Il est** |//( He is)//| |**Elle est** |//( She is)//| |**Nous sommes** |//( We are)//| |**Vous êtes** |//(You are / plural and/or formal ‘you’)//| |**Ils sont **|//( They are / masculine and/or both masculine and feminine)//| |**Elles sont** |//(They are / all feminine)//| __**Listen here the pronunciation for "être" **__ : {{ :fr:grammaire:verbes:present:verbes_irreguliers_tres_frequents:etre.mp3 |}} =====Examples===== * **Nous sommes de Paris.** * //We are from Paris.// * **Tu es français.** * //You are French. (informal & singular)// * **Je suis Pierre Dupont.** * //I am Pierre Dupont.// =====Pronunciation===== //Do not pronounce the final consonants at the end of a word.// * '**es**' and '**est**' sound alike * **vous** = ‘//vou//’ //pronounce the final consonant of a word when it is followed by a word beginning with a vowel.// e.g. **vous êtes** = //‘vou_z_êtes’ (the ’s’ will sound like ‘z’) //