======Adverbs of frequency====== =====Introduction=====

Image   We always wash the car on Saturdays. 



Adverbs of frequency indicate how frequently something happens.  


We use them with verbs to answer the question 'How often?' and in the following situations:






To indicate frequency.


We often go to Indian or Chinese restaurants but we rarely cook Asian food at home.


He always forgets to close the door.


I never travel by plane.



To talk about routines and habits.


I go running every morning and play tennis once a week.


We always have a meeting on Monday mornings.



To talk about a constant state or situation.


It's always quiet in this office. 


That meeting room is never available when I need it.








at no time


a little, not often


a little, not often


not all the time

often, frequently

a lot, many times


all the time, every time



to be

[after the verb]

Other verbs

[before the verb]

We're never late.

We never arrive late.

We're rarely late.

We rarely arrive late.

We're often late.

Are you often late?

We often arrive late.

Do you often arrive late?

We're always late.

Are you always late?

We always arrive late.

Do you always arrive late?


For some adverbs - never, rarely, seldom, often and always - we can place the adverb after the verb 'to be' and before other verbs.


For others, there is more than one possibility:



'to be'

Other verbs




Occasionally, I'm on time.


I'm occasionally on time.


I'm on time occasionally.


Occasionally, we arrive late.


We occasionally arrive late.


We arrive late occasionally.





Sometimes, I'm late.


I'm sometimes late.


I'm late sometimes.




Sometimes we arrive late.


We sometimes arrive late.


We arrive late sometimes.


Often, frequently


Often, I'm late.


Are you frequently late?



Frequently, we arrive late.


Do they often arrive late?




'Usually', 'normally' and 'generally' are used in the same way. They do not indicate how frequently something happens. Instead, they tell us about habits - what is usual.


            Normally, I get up later at weekends.

            We usually go skiing in the winter but this year we're visiting friends in Paris.                            

            I generally start the day with a cup of tea.



'Regularly' can mean frequently but it is also used to indicate something that happens at similarly timed intervals:


            I visit the dentist regularly.

            You need to take these tablets regularly.

'Seldom' has the same meaning as 'rarely'.


            We seldom have meetings on Fridays.



=====Other expressions=====

We use these kinds of expressions in a similar way to adverbs of frequency in order to give more detailed information.




once a week

twice a year

four times a day


every morning

every day

every Friday

every summer

every other week








on Fridays

at the weekend/at weekends

in the mornings



And there are other expressions that we can use in conversation. Here are some examples:



Approximate meaning



from time to time




We rarely see each other but she calls me from time to time.



(every) now and then




"Do you often speak English?"

"Oh, every now and then - mostly on the phone."



(every) once in a while




It's hard work looking after three children and having a full-time job but every once in a while, I have a relaxing weekend away with friends.



once in a blue moon


very rarely


My husband cooks dinner once in a blue moon.


Image   He's always busy.

Image  They frequently meet for lunch, usually on Fridays.
Image    We rarely go into the city, but we love the theatre so we go there occasionally.

Image   Take one of these every four hours.

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