====== Reported Speech ====== {{:en:grammar:reported_speech:live-london.jpg?nolink&200|}}She said (that) she lived in London. ===== Definition and use ===== When we tell someone what another person said earlier, we don’t usually repeat the direct speech that we heard. * She said, “I live in London.” {{:en:grammar:reported_speech:n.png?nolink&20|}} * She said (that) she lived in London. {{:en:grammar:reported_speech:y.png?nolink&20|}} ===== Construction ===== In reported speech, we use one tense back in time from the tense in the direct speech. ^ Direct speech ^^ Reported [indirect] speech ^ |Present simple\\ I prefer coffee.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|Past simple\\ She said she preferred coffee.| |Present continuous\\ I’m reading a great book.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|Past continuous\\ He told me he was reading a great book.| |Past simple\\ I went to Japan.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|Past perfect simple\\ She said she had been/had gone to Japan.| |Past continuous\\ We were watching TV.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|Past perfect continuous\\ She said they’d been watching TV.| |Present perfect simple\\ I’ve finished the report.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|Past perfect simple\\ He told me he’d finished the report.| |Present perfect continuous\\ I’ve been writing a report.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|Past perfect continuous\\ He said he’d been writing a report.| |Past perfect simple\\ I’d always wanted to go to Italy.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|Past perfect simple (no change)\\ She said she’d always wanted to go to Italy.| |Past perfect continuous\\ I’d been discussing it with my boss.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|Past perfect continuous (no change)\\ He said he’d been discussing it with his boss.| |Future simple\\ I’ll email you.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|Would + bare infinitive\\ He told me he’d email me.| |Future continuous\\ We’ll be visiting the new plant.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|Would be + present participle\\ She said they’d be visiting the new plant.| |Going to\\ I’m going to buy a new car.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|Was going to + bare infinitive\\ He said he was going to buy a new car.| |Present continuous for future\\ I’m having lunch with friends.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|Past continuous\\ She said she was having lunch with friends.| |Future perfect simple\\ I’ll have finished it by 4 o’clock.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|Would have + past participle\\ She said she’d have finished it by 4 o’clock.| |Future perfect continuous\\ By May, I’ll have been working here for two years.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|Would have been + present participle\\ He said that by May, he’d have been working here for two years.| ===== Examples ===== | {{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:bored.jpg?nolink&100 |}} | "I’m bored today." | Jenny said she was bored yesterday. | | {{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:increasing.jpg?nolink&100 |}}| "Sales figures are increasing." | She told us that sales figures were increasing. | | {{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:forgot.jpg?nolink&100 |}} | "Oh no! I forgot about the meeting!" | He told me he’d forgotten about the meeting. | | {{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:bob.jpg?nolink&100 |}} | "I was discussing this with Bob yesterday and we were thinking about making some changes." | She told us she’d been discussing it with Bob the day before and they’d been thinking about making some changes. | ===== Note that ===== 1) It isn’t necessary to change the tense if something is still true or relevant. {{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:hungry.png?nolink&200 |}} * We’re having lunch early today because Philippe said he’s hungry. [still true] * But * We went to lunch early yesterday because Philippe said he was hungry. [no longer true] {{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:paris.png?nolink&300 |}} * They visited Paris and said it is a beautiful city. {{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:meeting.png?nolink&400 |}} * She said the next meeting will be on Thursday. [Before Thursday, this is still true.] * She said the next meeting would be on Thursday. [After Thursday] {{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:isabelle.png?nolink&400 |}} * Thierry phoned and told me that he'll be at the meeting this afternoon. He said he’s just landed and he’s getting a taxi straight here. **But you should always change the tense if you are taking an English test or exam.** 2) In most cases, we can omit ‘that’.// He told me (that) he was going to Korea.// However, with some verbs, it is better to use ‘that’. For example: //announce | doubt | imply |add | estimate | argue | point out | complain | mention.// * “The meeting will start at 10:00, and I expect everyone to be there.” * He announced __that__ the meeting would start at 10 and added __that__ he expected everyone to be there. * “Let’s wait until December. That’s always the best time to launch this kind of product.” * “No. This time, we should do it in the summer.” * He pointed out __that__ December was always the best time to launch that kind of product, but she argued __that__ it would be better to do it in the summer. * “I don’t think it will work.” * He doubted __that__ it would work. * “There were about 200 people at the conference.” * She estimated that there had been about 200 people at the conference. * “The coffee is terrible here!” * She complained __that__ the coffee was terrible there. ===== Other changes ===== __Sometimes__ we need to make other changes. For example: “We have to do it now.” **-->** They said they had to do it immediately. But __not always__: * 28th September: “We‘ll meet again next month.” * 29th September: Louise said that we’ll/we’d meet again next month. * 1st October: Louise said we’ll/we’d meet again this month. * November: Louise said we’d meet again last month. * Later than October: Louise said that we’d meet again the following month. ^ Direct speech ^^ Reported speech ^ |now|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|immediately| |today|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|that day| |yesterday|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|the day before/the previous day| |the day before yesterday|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|two days before| |last week/month/year|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|the week/month/year before or the previous week/month/year| |tomorrow|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|the next/following day| |the day after tomorrow|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|in two days’ time/two days later| |next week/month/year|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|the following week/month/year| |ago|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|before| |this week/month/year|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|that week/month/year| |this/these (adjective)|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|the/a/this/these/that/those – depending on the situation| |here|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|here/there – depending on the situation | |It is for me.\\ It is my pen.\\ It is mine.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|He/she said it was for him/her.\\ He/she said it was his/her pen.\\ He/she said it was his/hers.| |It is for you.\\ It is your pen.\\ It is yours.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|He/she said it was for me.\\ He/she said it was my pen.\\ He/she said it was mine.| |It is for us.\\ It is our car.\\ It is ours|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|They said it was for them.\\ They said it was their car.\\ They said it was theirs.| ===== Modals ===== We also need to change some modal verbs. ^Direct speech^Reported speech^ |I can swim.|He said he could swim.| |All visitors must go to reception.|They told us that all visitors had to go to reception.| |You mustn’t smoke in here.|We were told that we couldn’t/weren’t allowed to smoke in there| |What shall we do tonight?|She asked what we should do last night.| But some modals do not need to be changed – could, might, would, should, ought to, had better. “I might go to the party.” She said she might go to the party. ===== Other reporting verbs ===== Usually we use ‘said’ or ‘told’ to report speech but lots of other reporting verbs are possible. It is often better to use these, especially if you are reporting a long conversation, because it becomes boring if you continue to repeat ‘said’ or ‘told’ together with all the words spoken. **Note that** we need to use the correct form of the verb that follows the reporting verb. There are several possibilities. Here are some examples: |accuse someone|...of doing something| |admit, deny|...doing something| |admit, agree, explain, imply, mention|...that someone had done something| |apologise, blame someone, forgive someone|...for doing something| |agree, decide, pretend, promise, refuse, threaten|...(not) to do something| |decide, explain, remember, wonder|...how/when/where/what/which to do (it)| |advise, ask, allow, expect, forbid, persuade, remind, tell|...someone to do something| |suggest|...I/we etc. do it| ^Direct speech^^Reported speech^ |It was Anne who ate the last biscuit!|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|She accused Anne of eating the last biscuit.| |Yes, it’s true. I ate it!|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|Anne admitted eating it.\\ Anne admitted that she’d eaten it.\\ Anne didn’t deny eating it.| |I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|She apologised (for doing it) and promised not to do it again.| |That’s OK; don’t worry.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|They forgave her (for eating the biscuit).| |You should go to the doctor.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|He advised me to go to the doctor.| |OK. We’ll have the meeting today.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|They agreed to have the meeting that day.| |It’s your fault we missed the flight!|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|He blamed me for missing the flight.| |First you attach these two parts and then you press this button.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|He explained how to do it.| |If you apply for this job, you’ll earn more money and you’ll be happier.|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|She persuaded me to apply for the job.\\ [But – she dissuaded me from applying...]| |I’m not working on Saturday!|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|He refused to work on Saturday.| |Don’t forget to make that phone call. |{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|She reminded me to make the phone call.| |Why don’t you phone him?\\ Shall we go to the cinema?|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|She suggested I phone him.\\ She suggested (going to) the cinema.| |If you don’t move your car, I’ll call the police!|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|He threatened to call the police if I didn’t move my car.| |Make sure you don’t fall asleep in the meeting again!|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|She warned me not to fall asleep in the meeting again.| ===== Examples ===== |{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:advise.jpg?nolink&200 |}}|_"I don’t think you should buy that one – it’s not a good colour for you."|My friend advised me not to buy the red dress that I liked.| |{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:threatened.png?nolink&200 |}}|_"If your grades don’t improve in the next few weeks, I will have to speak to speak to your parents."|Her teacher threatened to talk to her parents if her grades didn’t improve in the following few weeks.| |{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:phone.jpg?nolink&200 |}}|_"Let’s have lunch on Monday."|Malcolm suggested having lunch on Monday.| |{{ :undefined:burger-jpg.jpg?nolink&200 |}}|_"We have to eat burgers because you burned the steak!"\\ _"It wasn’t me. It was Steve."|James accused Dave of burning the steaks but Dave denied it and blamed Steve.| ===== Questions and requests ===== When reporting questions and requests, we use the verb ‘ask’. For yes/no questions, we need to add ‘if/whether’. ^^^^ |What do you want for lunch?|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|She asked me what I wanted for lunch.| |Can I have a cheese sandwich, please? |{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|He asked for a cheese sandwich.| |Where are you going on holiday?|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|He asked us where we were going on holiday.| |Do you like tea?|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|He asked me if I liked tea.| |Will you marry me?|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|He asked her to marry him.| |Please don’t eat all the chocolate!|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|She asked me not to eat all the chocolate.| |Are you going to the party?|{{ :en:grammar:reported_speech:fleche.jpg?nolink&40 |}}|He asked whether I was going to the party.|