====== Los falsos amigos en español ====== {{ :pt:vocabulaire:rock-1771913_1920.png?nolink&500 |}} ^ ESPAÑOL vs. INGLÉS ^^^^ ^ Español ^ Inglés ^ Inglés ^ Español ^ | Abismal | Enormous | Abysmal | Pésimo | | Actual | Verdadero | Actual | Presente | | Actualmente | At the moment | Actually | En realidad | | Adecuado | Appropriate, fitting, suitable | Adequate | Suficiente, idóneo | | Amenidad | Entertaiment, enjoyment | Amenities | Comodidades | | Asistir | Attend,help | Assist | Ayudar | | Avisar | Notify | Advise | Aconsejar, asesorar | | Billón | Thousand bilion | Billion | Mil millones | | Blanco | White,ligth,pale | Blank | En blanco, vacío | | Campo | Field, countryside | Camp | Campamento, grupo | | Conferencia | Lectura, talk,call,conference | Conference | Congreso | | Constipado | To have a cold | Constipated | Estreñido | | Construir | Build | Construe | Interpretar | | Decepcionar | To disappoint | Deceive | Engañar | | Demanda | Request, action | Demand | Exigencia, reclamación | | Embarazada | Pregnant | Embarrased | Avergonzado | | Escenario | Stage, scene | Scenary | Paisaje | | Eventualmente | Fortuitously, possibly | Eventually | Finalmente | | Exito | Success | Exit | Salida | | Fábrica | Factory | Fabric | Tejido, estructura | | Gabinete | Study, Dressing room, office | Cabinet | Armario | | Gentil | Pagan, dashing, considerate | Genteel | Distinguido | | Inhabitable | Uninhabitable | Inhabitable | Habitable | | Intoxicar | Poisoning | Intoxication | Embriagar | | Largo | Long, lenghty | Large | Grande | | Librería | Bookshop | Library | Biblioteca, colección | | Miseria | Poverty, pittance | Misery | Tristeza | | Noticia | Piece of news | Notice | Interés, letrero, anúncio, aviso | | Pariente | Relative | Parent | Padre, madre | | Pedante | Pretentious | Pedantic | Puntilloso | | Periódico | Newspaper | Periodical | Boletín, revista | | Preservativo | Condom | Preservative | Conservante | | Profesor | Teacher | Professor | Catedrático, profesor de universidad | | Recipiente | Container, vessel | Recipient | Destinatario | | Recordar | To remember | Record | Archivar, registrar, grabar | | Refrán | Saying | Refrain | Estribillo | | Resumir | Summarize | Resume | Reanudar, proseguir con, volver a ocupar | | Reticente | Insinuating, reluctant | Reticent | Reservado | | Retribución | Reward, remuneration | Retribution | Castigo justo | | Sano | Healthy, intact | Sane | Cuerdo | | Sensible | Sensitive, noticeable | Sensible | Sensato, prudente, práctico, consciente | | Soportar | To stand, to support | Support | Sostener, aguantar, ayudar | | Suave | Smooth, soft | Suave | Cortés | | Suceso | Event, incident | Success | Éxito | | Tópico | Commonplace | Topic | Tema | | Vicioso | Dissolute, habit forming, defective, spoilt | Vicious | Malo, salvaje, ferroz | [[es:vocabulaire|{{ :file_-_back_3_.png?150 }}]]