Table of Contents

Object pronouns


Moi, j'aime le cinéma, et vous ?

Me, I love cinema, and you? (I do love cinema, what about you?)

Toi, tu détestes la piscine. Mais nous, nous aimons nager.

You, you hate swimming pools. But we, we love swimming. (You do hate swimming, but we love swimming.)

Vous voulez déjeuner avec moi ?

Would like to have lunch with me?

Elle, elle est toujours en mission. Heureusement ses parents sont là et elle habite chez eux.

She, she is always on a mission. Fortunately her parents are there and she lives with them. (Indeed, she is always on a mission. Fortunately her parents are there and she lives with them.)

C'est un cadeau pour ton frère ? oui, c'est un cadeau pour lui.

Is it a present for your brother? Yes, it is a present for him.


A « tonic pronoun » refers to people.

Used to :

- emphasize another pronoun :

- Short answers :

- Emphasize, or create a contrast :

Also used with

- C’est and ce sont (It is) :

- With et (and) and ou (or) :

- With prepositions :

- With comparatives :


There is a « tonic (object) pronoun » for each personal subject pronoun:

pronom personnel sujetpronom tonique
je (I) moi (me)
tu (You) toi (you)
il (he) lui (him)
elle (she)elle (her)
nous (we)nous (us)
vous (you)vous (you)
ils (they-masculine)eux (them-masculine)
elles (they-feminine)elles (them-feminine)