Les pronoms « tu » et « vous » / tutoyer et vouvoyer

Personal pronoun You (tu & vous) formal and informal form

Salut, Paul ! Tu veux un café ?

Hi Paul, do you want a cup of coffee? (informal)

Paul, Marc, vous voulez un café ? Paul, Marc, do you want a cup of coffee? (informal)

Bonjour Monsieur le Directeur ! Vous voulez un café ?

Hello Mr. President! Would you like a cup of coffee? (formal)

« tu » and « vous » are subject personal pronouns.

Use « tu » with parents, friends, children (informal)

  • Bonjour Maman ! Comment vas-tu ?
  • Hi Mom, how are you?
  • Paul, tu fais un tennis ?
  • Paul, do you want to play tennis?

It is called the « tutoiement » in other words informal situation

Use « vous » :

- When speaking to several people:

  • Bonjour les amis ! Vous allez bien ?
  • Hi friends! How are you doing?

- When speaking to one person, showing formality, respect or distance:

  • Monsieur le Directeur, vous avez une minute ?
  • Mr. President, Would you have a minute?

It is called the «vouvoiement » in other words formal situation

Use the vouvoiement (formal form)

  • When you meet a person for the first time
  • In shops, with the sales force
  • In restaurants
  • With elderly people