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Les verbes vendre, attendre, entendre, descendre et rendre

The verbs “vendre” (to sell), “attendre” (to wait), “ entendre” (to hear), “descendre” (to go down) and “rendre” (to give back)

Nous descendons sur le quai et nous attendons le train.

We are going down to the platform and waiting for the train.

L'employé vend des tickets.

The employee sells tickets.

Je te prête mon parapluie.

Merci ! Je le rends demain, c'est promis.

I’ll lend you my umbrella. Thanks ! I’ll give it back to you tomorrow.

The verbs “vendre” (to sell), “attendre” (to wait), “ entendre” (to hear), “descendre” (to go down) and “rendre” (to give back) are very useful.

  • vendre (to sell)

Les sociétés « Airbus » et « Boeing » vendent des avions. (Airbus and Boeing sell planes.)

Patricia vend des fleurs dans son magasin.(Patricia sells flowers in her shop.)

  • attendre

Michel attend le train. (Michel is waiting for the train.)

Ils attendent le docteur. (They are waiting for the doctor.)

  • entendre ( to hear)

Tu entends ? le téléphone sonne! (Can you hear that? The phone is ringing.)

  • descendre (to go down)

Patrick descend les escaliers.(Patrick is going down the stairs.)

  • rendre (to give back)

Nous rendons la voiture de location à l'agence « Rent-a-car » de l'aéroport. (We are giving the rental back to the “rent-a-car” agency at the airport.)

L'article coûte 82 euros. La vendeuse rend 18 euros au client. (The item costs 82 euros, the saleswoman gives 18 euros back to the client.)

vendre attendre entendre
je vends (I sell) j'attends (I wait) j'entends (I hear)
tu vends (You sell) tu attends (You wait) tu entends (You hear)
il/elle vend (He/She/it sells) il/elle attend (He/She/it waits) il/elle entend (He/She/it hears)
nous vendons (We sell) nous attendons (We wait) nous entendons (We hear)
vous vendez (You sell) vous attendez (You wait) vous entendez (You hear)
ils/elles vendent (They sell) ils/elles attendent (They wait) ils/elles entendent (They hear)
descendre rendre
je descends (I go down) je rends (I give back)
tu descends (You go down) tu rends (You give back)
il/elle descend (He/She/it goes down) il/elle rend (He/She/it gives back)
nous descendons (We go down) nous rendons (We give back)
vous descendez (You go down) vous rendez (You give back)
ils/elles descendent (They go down) ils/elles rendent (They give back)

Don’t pronounce the final « d » or « ds »

  • Tu entends la musique ? (“entends” is pronunced “enten” )
  • Elle vend des fleurs. ( “vend” is pronunced “ven” )