Definition of a main clause

Main clause



A main clause (or independent clause) contains a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought.



Jenny was a teacher.

She lived in London.


            These are both main clauses and also sentences.


Jenny was a teacher and she lived in London.


Two main clauses linked by the conjunction 'and'.




A main clause is not dependent on any other clause within a sentence.


When Jenny was a teacher...


This is no longer a complete thought as we do not know what happened when Jenny was a teacher. It is not an independent clause.




Every sentence must contain at least one main clause.



When Jenny was a teacher, she lived in London.

            [time adverbial clause and main clause]

Jenny, who was a teacher, lived in London.

            [main clause and embedded relative clause]

Jenny could be a head teacher if she lived in London.

            [main clause and conditional clause]