The imperative

taxi, cab, man  "Take me to the airport, please."

The imperative mood expresses an intention to influence the listener's behaviour.

It consists of the bare infinitive:      Call me.                                          Meet me at 9:00.


The negative form uses don't        Don't forget your umbrella.         Don't be late.





Give orders


Meet me in my office.

Be here at 08:00 tomorrow.

Come back!




Make requests


Take a message if he calls, please.

Please lend me your pen.

Bring me a coffee when you come back.



Give advice


Go by train; it's cheaper.

Use this computer; it's faster.

Don't worry.

Never talk while you're eating.

Always arrive early for an interview.

Try a hot drink at bedtime.                               



Give instructions or directions


Attach part A to part B.

First mix the flour and the eggs.

Turn left at the traffic lights. Then go past a church.



Make offers


Call me if you have any questions.

Let me know if you need any help.

Let me help you with that.



Make invitations


Come to my party if you can.

Please sit down.

Marry me!

Stay for dinner.



Give a warning


Be careful.

Don't lean out of the window.

Watch out!



Express good or ill wishes


Have a good weekend.

Enjoy your meal.

Have fun.



Make suggestions which

include the speaker


Let's try that new Greek restaurant.

Let's begin the meeting.

Let's not use this supplier in future.

Don't let's tell them.



We can use 'never' or 'always' before the verb.


Always send a confirmation email.

Never share your password. 



We need to be careful when using the imperative to give orders because it can sometimes sound too direct. It is a good idea to add 'please' when we are not speaking to friends, family or close colleagues etc.


Please get it done by tomorrow.

Please call back later.




Let's is a contraction of 'let us'. We always use the contracted form in conversation.

The negative has two forms:


Let's not have the meeting on Monday.

Don't let's be late again!




1. We can use time markers such as 'first', 'next' and 'finally' before the verb.


First boil the kettle.

Then put the tea in the pot.

Next pour boiling water onto the tea.

After that, find the tea strainer.

Finally, pour the tea into the cup.



2. In technical and other instructions, we might find a list with numbered steps.


In order to learn English:

1. Relax!

2. Concentrate.

3. Practise every day.

4. Read the grammar rules.

5. Do your preparation exercises.

6. Listen to your coach.

7. Enjoy it.